The Disabled fashion coats Veterans National Foundation (, a non-profit veterans service organization that focuses on helping men and women who serve and return home wounded or sick after defending our safety and our freedom, has provided more than $16 million in cash and supplies to veterans in need. In an attempt to further assist veterans find employment, DVNF has launched a web survey for veterans aimed at helping deliver more targeted 'Employment Webinars'. The free 1-hour-long webinars offer specific tips, instruction and information from noted employment experts and are scheduled monthly in an on-going series called 'Veterans Employment Webinars'.
Studies show the unemployment rate for veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan is higher than 12% and the percentage is even higher than that for veterans coming home with physical or emotional impairment due to their service for our nation. The DVNF webinar survey asks veterans to check areas of assistance that they feel will help them the most get the job they want. Topics offered include; how to write a resume and cover letter, how to maximize social media, how to prepare for an interview and follow up and how to convert military experience for the workplace.
"We know it is especially difficult for veterans and returning veterans to find the jobs they are seeking," said Raegan Rivers, Chief Administrative Officer of DVNF. "We want these employment webinars to be as effective as possible and are one more way we are directly assisting veterans."
The Disabled Veterans National Foundation (DVNF) has provided $16.1 million in cash and requested items such as clothing, food, health & hygiene products to tens of thousands of underserved and disabled veterans nationwide.
For more, go to and click 'Veterans Programs' for Veterans Employment Survey and Webinar.
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